Publications resulting from research at ISOLDE must mention the facility in the abstract and, if allowed by the publisher, the phrase "We acknowledge the support of the ISOLDE Collaboration and technical teams" should be used in the acknowledgements.
Scientific publications that result from research carried out at ISOLDE and have received financial support from an EC programme must acknowledge the fact and such peer-reviewed publications should have open, free-of-charge access. For example, financial support from ENSAR2 (Jan. 2016 to Dec. 2019) should be acknowledged as follows:" The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 654002." The EURO-LABS project (Sept. 2022 to August 2026) is grant agreement no. 101057511. If the experiment received funding from the ISOLDE Collaboration during the period from June 2021 to August 2022, then this must be acknowledged.
All publications need to be published according to the CERN policy on Open Access - this requires "gold" open access for all publications.
1. ISOLDE publication list
Please see the excel file at the bottom of this page.
We welcome all corrections and additions to this list! Please send the information to
2. ISOLDE Theses
A list of theses resulting from research at ISOLDE can be found at the bottom of this page.
We welcome all corrections and additions to this list! Please send the information to
3. Other ways of searching for ISOLDE publications
You may get a list of those ISOLDE publications which are recognized by the CERN Document Server and start a refined search from that list by looking for particular keywords, authors etc.. See also the search tips page.
Publications should be uploaded to the CERN Document Server (CDS): (after logging in). It is quite a fast process if the pre-fill option with the articles DOI is used.
4. ISOLDE Scientific Committees documents
- Search the ISC documents (1991-1998)
- Search the ISTC documents (1999)
- Search the INTC documents (2000- )
You can also have a look at the minutes of the ISOLDE and neutron Time-of-Flight Experiments Committee (INTC) and at a list of proposals.
If you have any comments about the CERN Document Server or know of any publications concerning ISOLDE, which are not yet in the CDS database, please forward the necessary information to the ISOLDE Physics Coordinator!
5. Scholarpedia articles
B. Jonson and K. Riisager (2010), Scholarpedia, 5(7):9742 "The ISOLDE facility"
6. Focus issue
A document entitled "Focus on Exotic beams at ISOLDE: A Laboratory Portrait" was published in 2017 in the Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. All papers are available in 'open access' in this "Focus on Exotic Beams at ISOLDE: A Laboratory Portrait". The papers can be viewed and downloaded here:
Attachment | Size |
ISOLDE-Publications-PhD-2025.xlsx | 180.68 KB |
ISOLDE-Theses- 2012 to 2017.xlsx | 33.21 KB |